“Visit to The Navigator Company’s” tree nursery and factory
12 million tree seedlings in one place. Does that sound unbelievable? Not at all!
The Eucalyptus tree nursery, owned by The Navigator Company (TNC) in Portugal, produces more than 12 million Eucalyptus globulus seedlings every year. They are planted in TNC forests and sold to farmers for reforestation.
Together with our clients PNB Print, Veiters Korporācija and United Press Tipografija, we visited TNC’s grand eucalyptus tree nursery and paper mill in Portugal. TNC is a full-cycle paper producer, starting with wood extraction and ending with paper production.
“Eucaliptus globulus” is a unique variety of eucalyptus whose fibre characteristics allow it to achieve the highest quality in paper production. Eucalyptus trees are grown for 12 years, then cut down and shipped to the pulp mill. After felling, 3 offspring are left and, after another 12 years, more trees are felled. This cycle is repeated 3 times, thus making efficient use of forest resources.
We visited the TNC paper mill, which is the newest and most modern in Europe. Here, the paper development process was demonstrated. How it is made from wood to a finished product – paper. The only place in the factory where we were allowed to have our picture taken was in front of the finished paper roll. It weighs 80 tonnes!
As one of the printing industry’s stakeholders, we have a role and responsibility to think about sustainability to ensure a greener future for future generations. We carefully consider who to partner with and where to source the most appropriate products that fit our values.
Aiming for a green future and growing together